Reneging on a Job Offer

Reneging, also known as going back on an accepted offer, can damage your reputation in the industry, as well as the reputation of Michigan Engineering. We expect all students to conduct themselves professionally and ethically in their job search. Please review the links below for more details regarding factors for consideration prior to reneging and the potential consequences of failing to honor a committed job offer acceptance.

  • When you have agreed to the terms of a company’s offer of employment and communicated to them your acceptance.
  • When you back out of an accepted job offer/agreement with a company that you previously committed to.

You may have heard conflicting information from your peers, parents/guardians, the internet, etc. about reneging on a job offer you have already accepted.
It is advised that you speak with an ECRC Advisor before making a decision.

You can schedule an advising appointment through Career Forge.

You are taking away an opportunity from another student by reneging

  • Companies interview many students for their available positions.
  • Your ‘second choice’ could be another student’s dream job.
  • If you are unsure about an opportunity, say no so that it gives others a chance at their top choice.

It costs companies money to make you a job offer. If you renege, they lose money

  • It takes time for companies to plan recruitment activities and engage with students.
  • When you renege you waste a company’s time and may leave them with an unfilled position.                                                                                  

It may tarnish your reputation

  • It may also tarnish the reputation of the College of Engineering at U-M.
  • The company may decide to discontinue recruiting at U-M because of reneging trends and this may cost future wolverines great opportunities.

It is likely you will not be able to work for that organization in the future

  • Additionally, recruiters tend to change companies within similar industries, so it is likely that your name would travel with them to a different company you could be interested in in the future.

While the recruiting process and timeline is never perfect, it is up to you to conduct yourself in the most professional and ethical way possible.
This ultimately means making tough decisions.

If you commit to an internship, co-op, or full-time job offer you can avoid a situation in which you may renege by canceling all additional interviews and recruitment events you have planned. This also means putting your job search on a temporary hold and discontinuing applying to new positions.

Find the value in your upcoming experience!

Each experience you engage in will contribute to your professional growth and will contribute to you learning the skills needed to be successful in the workplace.

  • Use your time as an opportunity to network
  • Build transferable skills
  • Master your technical skills