ECRC Privacy Policy

The Engineering Career Resource Center is committed to ensuring the privacy of users of the Career Forge recruitment system.

The Career Forge system is run in partnership with Career Soft, LLC. If you have any questions, you may review Career Soft’s own privacy policy.

Engineering Careers collects user information on students and alumni, such as the following:

Contact information including name and e-mail address.
Educational information including degree(s) from the University of Michigan College of Engineering, major(s), student ID, graduation month and year.
Demographic information including self-reported responses to work authorization questions and optional responses to preferred pronouns.
Employment preferences including general career interests.

The University of Michigan College of Engineering provides a link from the Engineering Career Resource Center website to Career Forge. Students and alumni may access Career Forge by using their U-M email address as their username and creating a separate password in Career Forge.

The Engineering Career Resource Center may conduct searches on resumes and candidate profiles to notify candidates of education or employment opportunities through e-mail communications. By entering data into the Career Forge system, students and alumni may have data included in aggregate reports use for evaluation of employment activities, for evaluation of educational programs, and for reports developed for placement and salary surveys externally and internally. Please note that any employment data collected from engineering students through surveys is only reported in aggregate form, and no individual information is reported.

Only the Engineering Career Resource Center staff can retrieve individual candidate data. Students and alumni should contact the Engineering Career Resource Center if they have any concerns about the use of their information or if they want to view, correct, or change their information.

Employers using Career Forge have access to student and alumni resources for recruiting and hiring purposes only. Employers will only have access to a student’s resume if the student submits a resume directly to the employer by applying to a posting, or if the students opts to have their resume included within the searchable online resume database, which is visible to a limited group of companies such as those participating in the ECRC Corporate Partner Program.

If a student applies to a job posting via Career Forge where applications are accepted directly within the system, then in addition to viewing any documents submitted, the employer will also have access to view additional candidate information including name, email address, phone number, college or school, degree/major, and graduation date.

Career Forge collects the following user information from participating employers:

  • Contact information including organization name, address, city, state, zip code, country, phone number, Web site URL, and description, as well as the contact’s name(s), address, city, state, zip code, country, phone number, and e-mail address. Employers may choose to provide additional information within their company profile, such as information regarding company culture, however any additional information is optional to provide.

The University of Michigan Engineering Career Resource Center uses the account profiles in Career Forge to notify employers of recruiting services and events and to market the school and its students. Employers may receive e-mail updates throughout the year from the Engineering Career Resource Center.

The name, e-mail address and phone number of individual employer contacts are never released to students, alumni or others, without the explicit consent of the employer contact. Employer contacts may choose to make their contact information visible to students within an event registration in Career Forge, or through a job posting in the system.

Employment vacancies reported directly to the Engineering Career Resource Center Career Services are screened for completeness, accuracy, and appropriateness for engineering candidates. Other vacancies posted on the Career Forge system may or may not be reviewed before posting. Candidates are urged to thoroughly review job postings and use caution and common sense when applying.

The listings available through Career Forge are provided because of their potential interest to the Michigan Engineering community. Inclusion of a listing does not imply College of Engineering endorsement of the particular external program or opportunity described.

When applying to a position through any method, the ECRC encourages all job seekers to evaluate the full job description and research the company prior to submitting an application. The ECRC advises job seekers to never disclose bank account numbers, social security numbers, credit card information, or any other type of potentially sensitive personal information. If money, payment, or transactions of any type are requested as part of the application process or job itself, please notify the ECRC immediately.

Personally identifiable information is protected both on and offline. Student, alumni and employer data are password protected. All personally identifiable information collected is stored is stored in limited-access servers. Career Forge has technical, administrative, and physical security measures and safeguards in place to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

The University of Michigan Engineering Career Resource Center may deem it necessary or appropriate from time to time to modify this privacy policy to reflect changes in the way the Engineering Career Resource Center collect or use information or changes in privacy-related laws, regulations, or industry standards. Accordingly, the Engineering Career Resource Center reserves the right to change this privacy statement at any time by posting the revised policy on this site. Information will be handled according to the privacy statement in effect at the time the information is used.

Please contact the ECRC at [email protected] with any questions regarding this policy.